What are you looking for in a STiMer?
We are looking for students who are hungry for God; who are ready to take the next step in their discipleship and go all-in with Jesus. We are looking for students of influence who want to see their whole community live in-step with God's mission. We're looking for spiritual, relational, and cultural maturity. We're looking for humble learners who are willing to serve.
What is the best year for me to do STiM?
TiM accepts first year students, graduating seniors, and even graduate students! We are looking for students who have an appropriate spiritual and emotional maturity to thrive in intense ministry environments. Student leadership experience with InterVarsity is highly recommended.
How can I get ready for STiM?
Go on a Spring Break project. Work with international students on your campus. Develop your character through spiritual leadership roles in your fellowship. Talk with past STiMers or others who have done multi-week missions. Pray diligently for God's work in the world (especially specific missionaries and countries). Volunteer with a local ministry that serves your city. Make plans to attend the next Urbana.
Can I do the STiM training and not do a summer program?
No. The summer program is a critical part of the experience.
Can I do a summer program without doing STiM?
Yes. STiM is an awesome complement to a summer program and will usually multiply the personal and spiritual transformation of the summer experience. However, STiM isn't for everyone and there are many IV programs (and other summer missions opportunities) that don't require STiM.
How much time does STiM require?
STiM participation includes 4 weekend trainings (3 in the spring, one in the fall), fundraising, and other outside reading and assignments. We encourage you to think of it like having an extra 2-hour class. You should adjust your class and employment workload accordingly, or you'll find yourself stretched too thin to receive the full measure of the experience.
We also require that you clear out your schedule on the Friday afternoons of STiM weekends to allow yourself time to travel to the conference. When possible, please schedule your classes accordingly.
We also require that you clear out your schedule on the Friday afternoons of STiM weekends to allow yourself time to travel to the conference. When possible, please schedule your classes accordingly.
What if I can't make it for one of the weekends?
Sorry, all of the weekends are mandatory for participation in STiM. We recommend doing STiM a different year, or just doing a summer program without the STiM component.
Can I request a specific summer program?
Yes. Our desire is to place you as closely as we can with your gifts, maturity, interests, and the needs around the world. Due to the many factors that we look for in placement, we are cannot guarantee your first preference. We give preference to organizations/programs that we have an ongoing relationship with because of our confidence in the quality of those programs and the relational blessing of having continuity in the places we serve.
I'm training to be a doctor or an engineer. Can I do a program geared for my future profession?
In the past we have been able to occasionally find programs in these professions. Keep in mind though, STiM is about building cross-cultural relationships and we will prioritize a program that provides you a great ministry experience over a program that provides you great work experience.
How much money will I need to raise?
We raise money together as a team to cover the cost of your summer program and the cost of the four-weekends of STiM training. Depending on the project, it could be anywhere from $2000-5000. Other expenses that are not covered by the team's budget are immunizations (about $100), applying for a passport (about $100), and travel to your program's domestic orientation/departure city (up to $400).
What is team support raising?
That means we're in it together. We will get a total budget for our whole team and then divide it among us. Some of us will go over and some of us will come up a little short, but we pursue it together with mutual encouragement and accountability. Once the team is funded, we're all funded.
How is that possible?
Through God, of course! You will be given training, encouragement and accountability. It's hard work to develop a team of people who give financially and pray in order to send you. And it's worth it. Talk to your IV staff worker about your concerns.