Global Programs
Encounter the kingdom of God, meet the global church, see yourself and your campus with new eyes.
At InterVarsity, Global Programs are opportunities for college students to participate firsthand in God’s work in a diverse and complex world. Since the 1970’s, these short-term, international mission journeys have sent students to serve and learn in more than a dozen countries each year. On a Global Program, you may participate in cultural and language exchange programs, serve with vulnerable populations and communities, minister alongside Christian brothers and sisters, or share the good news at college campuses overseas. Experience may be the best teacher, but without purpose, it quickly fades away. The purpose of Global Programs is to share the good news of God’s kingdom in the world. And your Global Program doesn’t end when you step off the plane after your trip. When God expands your heart for what he is doing in the world, you’ll love your own campus in fresh ways. Students have benefited from GPs by becoming more spiritually healthy; more in love with God and His world; more dependent on God in prayer; more confident in speaking from God’s Word; and more bold in sharing their faith with others. Many students have been able to get continuing education, independent study or internship credit from their participation in this GP. The multitude of experiences on this GP also reflect well when applying for job and graduate programs. (Contact [email protected] for details). |
Village Schools International
Location: Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, and Uganda
Dates: TBA (Early June to late July) Ministry Focus: Cultural and Language Exchange Cost: $3500 Learn More (Click Here) 8 million youth in Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Uganda should be attending secondary school. Fewer than 6 million are. Those who are poor, those who are female, and those who are born in villages are the least likely to get the chance at an education. That needs to change. We believe everyone should get to go to school. VSI is looking for people who see their summer program as much more than a time to serve in the classroom. We want people willing to spend time after school and on weekends building relationships with their students. We want people who will use their talents and gifts to connect with their students and to contribute to life in our school community. Whether it is being involved in sports, music, or the arts, or helping teach everything from computers to auto mechanics, our desire to do more than focus on the subject we are teaching in school. We want to love people, we want to share the Gospel with our students and their families, we want to become members of the community where we serve. |
Kenya Global Program
Location: Kenya
Dates: May 27-July 7 Ministry Focus: Evangelism, justice, and local ministry support Deadline to Apply: January 1 Cost: $5000 Learn More (Click Here) Building on a 40+ year history, Kenya GP students will experience first-hand what God is up to in this beautifully diverse and complex part of God’s world. Over 1000 students have participated since the Kenya GP started. Kenya is a nation of extremes: Extreme spiritual thirst alongside extreme spiritual lostness. Extreme poverty alongside extreme wealth. Evangelistic and service opportunities are everywhere. God’s heart for social justice in Kenya is constantly on display, and GP students will be exposed to the intersection of AIDS, Poverty, and Orphans. After a week of orientation, students will travel to ministry sites (2+ weeks) which will include living with Kenyan families and working alongside village or urban churches, teaching in schools and/or serving in orphanages. The final 2 weeks will include team service in slums of Nairobi and an introduction to Hindu and Muslim outreach, followed by debriefing and re-entry training. Phone: 505.918.3572 Email: [email protected] |
Kenya GP vid 3 Minute from J.D. Henning on Vimeo. 5 Min Kenya GP video from J.D. Henning on Vimeo. |
Global Urban Trek
Locations: 1) Manila 2) Mexico City 3) Cairo
Dates: June 19 - July 31, 2024 (tentative dates) Deadline to Apply: January 20th Costs: $5500 Learn more here WHAT IS THE GLOBAL URBAN TREK? A summer immersive program that invites students and staff to live, listen, and learn among the urban poor to witness what God is doing in their communities, their spaces, and their land. WHY PARTICIPATE IN A GLOBAL URBAN TREK AS A STUDENT? Trek students develop and grow into self-aware, globally, and locally minded, adaptive leaders that excel in cultivating incarnational campus ministry. Trek students focus on understanding core values like justice, generosity, and reciprocity. The values they learn throughout the program inform translatable campus skills that help students with cross-cultural competency, fostering incarnational spaces and developing meaningful relationships on campus. This program will accelerate your leadership development through practical training and experiential learning. Previous Trek students have come on Intervarsity staff, served with local and international organizations working on justice efforts, and integrated the values on the Trek into their vocation, major and community. RESPONSIBILITIES:
(Contact [email protected]) |
The arrival of God's Kingdom is good news. Let us join Jesus as he brings his Kingdom to the urban poor.